Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Upon completing Celestina I realized that some things about love still hold true today. Love is rewarding when everything is okay, but when there is a mere obstacle in the way love can hold painful sorrows. Celestina did not have relationships typical to what I am familiar with. Relationships were solely based on looks and this unknown desire of another person. Today, in my opinion, a relationship might start by a physical attraction, but it is not a relationship if it does not progress into an emotional relationship. Today, we still desire. We wish, hope and dream of all these wonderful fantasies we can share was that one special person. Some people are fortunate enough to experience this with less difficulty while others, like me, find many struggles in having that smooth journey. Life like love is not easy. Both are full of obstacles, challenges and disappointments. When you love someone you stand by their side no matter the obstacles and you hope that when the problem has been overcome you are now a stronger couple. Love can be painful because if you are struggling to overcome those obstacles you hope that the one you love will confide in you, will seek out your support, and look for you to make them feel better. Love can make a person crazy. Sometimes when love feels more of a negative thing than a positive thing you just have to keep in mind that it might just be that moment in time and that you can find happiness and that you will. In Celestina, the love they had for each other was tangled and twisted and drove them to do crazy things. Love also proved that some people will do whatever it takes to be with the one they think they love. How it is that someone can kill themselves over love, but will not save their life to love another? Why is love so powerful? How is something that can be so challenging and difficult be something we seek so much? How do we stay positive when one day everything with love is perfect and the next day it is not? Celestina’s answer was that life ends. Life no longer can go on without love because without love you cannot be happy. Although, sometimes and at this moment I feel like a life without love would be no life at all, I must remember that if that person doesn’t love me the way I can love them then who are they to deserve my love? I have lost a family friend to suicide over a broken heart and as sad as it is to not be strong enough to hold on and carry on, it’s so much harder to think of what those actions had on all those who loved him. Sometimes I am angry towards love. Sometimes I hate that I desire something so difficult. Celestina makes it seem easy that if the one you love is no longer here to just end your life. It seems like it’s the more simple solution, but it’s not. Celestina and this class are making me bitter towards love and makes me hopeless when trying to keep a handle on the struggles that I face in my relationship. 

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