Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fantastical Fantasy

Madame Bovary also goes by the name Emma, is a dreamer. She always wants something more and her fantasies are more vivid than her reality. Emma believes that she fits in when she goes to the ball at La Vaubyessard; high class, ritzy, and beautifully content. Emma doesn't really know what she wants though because she dreams of what she reads and what she sees when she exits the current life she lives in to enter a new life. Will she find happiness in her never ending search? She's lonely, although she has a husband who adores her. Does he adore her because she puts on this act and never tells Monsieur Bovary how she really feels? Quite possibly. I think that Emma is caught somewhere in the middle of her fantasy and her reality. Today, we can dream of the best love lives, the perfect couple, the ideal relationship, but does that exist? Has it ever? I have notice that my vision of the perfect relationship is a combination of my desires, wants, media, needs, and other societal factors; however, that is not realistic. I think that Emma is stuck in that same rut. She longs for something more; of course, that's only natural. I think she really enjoys talking with Leon because he is similar to her. They are caught up in similar fantasies. We are all dreamers; like we discussed in the very beginning of class, if we do not desire we are not living. 

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