Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Restless for More

Emma's character showed how much one can desire and still never obtain all their wants. I think it is impossible to not want. The words that were spoken in our first few class discussions made me realize that we know we are alive because we want and we want because we are alive. Nothing was ever good enough for Emma and when she thought something or someone was she would then be left. I feel that she had been fortune for not being able to have a real say in her love life. She did take a stand by having affairs with other men, but ultimately she stay with Charles. Charles satisfied none of her needs and never provided her with any of her wants. 
I think the beggar symbolized Emma immense passion to obtain her desires. A begger is someone who always seeks for something, often because they have nothing. Emma, however, had more than many and a relatively prosperous husband, but she still begged for more. She wanted the life of the wealthy, she wanted a brilliant love life, she wanted no responsibility, but longed to no longer be board. I think that Emma's misfortune was highly related to the circumstances of the time period. It would have been frowned upon to leave your husband as a women, and certainly, divorce was not an option. 
I could not live the life that Emma endured. I would have had affairs too. I like to do things to keep busy, work, read, exercise  socialize, party, etc. and she was often sheltered or restricted. I would go crazy too, because I would get cabin fever being inside my house all the time and being lonely. Charles was a boring companion. They talked about nothing as a couple and they truly had nothing in common. Today, most people could imagine having a marriage and or lifestyle like theirs. 
I believe Emma committed suicide by poison because she wanted Charles to suffer watching her die a slow painful death rather than a quicker method. I think this slow death symbolizes the dreadful life Emma had and the relationship or lack their of that she shared with Charles. She wanted Charles to suffer and not be able to do anything about it, just like she couldn't do anything to exit her marriage. 

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