Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Simple Passion

Annie Ernaux's auto-fiction "Simple Passion" has nothing "simple" about it. The chapter read for this week's class brings love and desire further to light, but also explores the idea of obsession. We desire things or people that we want then we fall in love with those things or people. Doesn't it happen that many times a relationship turns into a sort of obsession? Maybe some people would rather refer to it as a routine, but in reality in a relationship we often become obsessed with the other person. Once we commit to someone suddenly all our thoughts somehow return to what that person would think, want, need or do. We are obsessed with looking for that next text, phone call or FaceBook status from our significant other. Some people, take obsession to a whole other level life Anie Ernaux. Ernaux talks about the unbelievable pleasure A brings her sexually, but its more than eroticism attached with Ernaux's feelings. She almost idolizes A, what he wears, how he acts, how he moves or stumbles...its the every little gesture that one might typically overlook. Ernaux is stuck in this time freeze, in my opinion, everything is in slow motion as she waits for Mr. Right to think or feel even a partial of what she feels for him. Why does she wait for this man? She must be able to find someone else or there must be someone else who certainly wants her, but I guess that's just it...we want what we can't have! If he reciprocated the entire time would she still want him? Would the passion be just that simple or would it no longer exist? Ernaux feels the voids in her life by shopping for specialty clothing, items and lingerie with the idea that she will meet this man once more. It is very typical to try and replace voids with material items, but that won't ever actually fill that void completely.

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