Thursday, April 25, 2013

Yard Work is Hard Work

Jodi Mack was an awesome presenter; she is young and extraordinarily creative! I admire her ability and patient to create animation in the way that she does. I do not see animation like hers often, but I think that is why I was so fascinated. Jodi incorporated love, desire, and environmental sustainability into her work.

My favorite part of her presentation was the enthusiasm she shared about environmental sustainability and recycling. She used junk mail, magazines, and other pictures to create her videos. I think it’s great for her to share her passion with her viewers about making a healthier environment. I believe that is something she desires. She dreams of a cleaner and less wasteful world and is able to express that through her work.

Jodi has an unbelievable talent. She said, like our class has often discussed, that media forms our expectations of love. Whether we read, watch or listen, our society forms our expectations and desires for the perfect love and the perfect relationship. As children, we read what love is meant to be like in story books with fairytales. As we grow older, we start watching TV and movies while listening to an array of music that talks or displays imagery of love. Yes, all of these methods show the happiness and sadness to love—but more heavily focus on this perfectly ideal life of love and happiness which just is not accurate. I think this course is making me bitter towards love, because I seem to think about things more negatively and with less care when it comes to the subject. I don’t think my opinion on desiring will ever change because I feel that I always want, want, want! Realistically, I think it’s easier to desire than it is to love and the film “Yard Work is Hard Work” exemplifies this. If they have this house and make it their own, and show that these desires sometimes overpowered their love. Their love struggled when all their assets were in a slump. I think her film showed that it is easier to desire then to love. 

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